Sunday, June 6, 2010

god's in his heaven, all's right with the world

i know it's been almost a month since my last post, but things have been a bit... interesting. also, for the zero readers out there, you might want to note that i am not the best blogger by any stretch. i like to experience life rather than document it, which is a little retarded given my willingness to drink.

i write this blog today not because my life has calmed down at all. it has not. in fact, as one of my favourite comedians once put it, life gets harder and faster until you die. (i can't remember who this is at the moment... early dane cook?) so i figure, if i'm going to start chronicling my life in any recognizable manner, i may as well do it now, before my life gets harder and faster (and better and stronger).

things in my life that are not going right include:
- i have recently started pre-k summer school with not only my own kids, but a fresh pack of new ones, and some special ed kids that have, until this summer school session, been in a self-contained classroom.
- there are five teachers in this classroom (FIVE) and not one of us agrees with any of the others. i can handle this with the more professional of them, but there is one in particular who is really, REALLY good at interrupting me that makes me want to burn the school down.
- the transition that my co-teacher and i were supposed to make to headstart pre-k is looking bumpier than we ever thought it could be. things are not looking great for fall.
- one week ago, i broke things off with a long-term boyfriend. despite the time we'd had together, things had reached the point where i felt like i was pumping coins into a slot machine, waiting for my lucky break. even though i called it, it still sucked.
- i've recently gotten a new roommate, and he had to house-sit this past week. this wouldn't be weird except i've grown attached to the strange tall man who inhabits my living space, and who owns a ridiculous number of knives and swords. i could swear that i heard crackheads trying to break down the doors this week, only because ben wasn't here to intimidate them with his 6'4" figure and a katana.

however, even though i have to go back to work tomorrow, even though it's way past my bedtime, things feel better. there was a lovely rainstorm that cooled things down and made them smell like ozone, i made dinner (and lunch for tomorrow), and everyone in the house (except me) is sleeping. ben's asleep, his cat lewis, my cat gala is napping just inches away...

i feel like some sort of strange order has been restored. for the first time in a while, things are peaceful. things are right.

The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven -
All's right with the world!

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